GVCC Webinar Links - Great Information Here!

GVCC Webinar Links - Great Information Here!

On Thursday, July 2 a few of us attended this webinar put on by members Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and Maul Foster Alongi.  While we may be weary of COVID-19 news, this webinar provided some great insight into how to put together a COVID plan for your business.  There were a lot of really great nuggets of information and links to resources.

I am sharing below, the email and links for Hadley Phillips,  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Good Morning,
Thank you all very much for registering to join the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and Maul Foster Alongi for a Mind What Matters Webinar last week, focused on reopening your workspace. Maul Foster Alongi shared best practices, reopening plans, and helpful resources for opening your workspace during this unique time.
Thank you to both Abbi Russell, Senior Communications Specialist , and Bill Beadie, Principal Industrial Hygienist with Maul Foster Alongi for sharing their insight with us!
View Webinar Here: " “The Return” Reopening Workplaces" Maul Foster Alongi's presentation recorded by Your Chamber is available here on the Chamber’s YouTube Channel!
If you have any questions about the Chamber's virtual programming, or if you'd like to become a presenter, just let me know!
Have a great rest of your day,
Hadley Phillips
Member Engagement & Events Coordinator

Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce
DIRECT 360.567.1052 | CELL 360.980.3236


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7017 NE Hwy 99, Suite 116, Vancouver, WA 98665 – 360-694-7922 – info@swca.org